California Burn Accident Attorney-
Injury Lawyer
If you were burned due to another person’s negligence, you may be entitled to compensation for your medical expenses, lost income, pain and suffering and other damages. Injuries caused by burn accidents can be excruciatingly painful and may lead to permanent scarring. Unlike minor burns that most of us are used to, severe burns can damage bodily functions that aren’t directly connected to the affected area. Our skin is the largest organ of our body and its functions include regulating body temperature and hydration, keeping out disease, and performing numerous other functions. Burn injuries are especially catastrophic because not only can they disrupt these functions but also can result in permanent scarring.
Our California burn injury attorney understands the adversity that you are facing and Big League Law is ready to help you hold all liable parties accountable. Our attorney will gather evidence related to your injury and use it to help you get compensation for your medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering.
Burn Accidents Can Be Caused By Many Factors Including:
Chemical burns
Electrical burns
Gas explosions
Industrial fires
Automobile Accidents
Fire-Related burns
Scalding from hot liquids or steam
Smoke inhalation burns
Radiation burns
Most burns occur at home or at work and are caused by preventable accidents, such as unattended cooking, dropped cigarettes or children playing with matches and lighters. Many others are the result of product defects and negligence like flammable home furnishings and clothing, electrical wiring, heating, and hot water heater appliances that short out. Sometimes in workplaces involving open flames or chemicals, carelessness, and lack of safety precautions.
California residents are especially at risk of injury from wildfires. Studies show that over 2 million homes in California are considered to be at high risk from wildfires, with more than 400,000 in Los Angeles County alone.
When Should I Hire a Lawyer for My Burn Injury?
Representing yourself could expose you to the risk of settling for far less than your serious injuries are worth. Hiring a California burn injury lawyer will ensure you do not settle for less than your injuries are worth.
Investigating the circumstances that caused the burn injury can be a complex process involving working with specialists to understand what occurred. Hiring an attorney early on helps determine the cause of the incident, any warnings or safety codes that were inadequate or violated, as well as to prepare your case for possible litigation if the insurance company refuses to pay.
Hire a Big League Burn Accident Attorney TODAY!
As with every case we handle at Big League Law, we do not charge a fee for your case until we win. These types of cases necessitate a professional negotiator and litigator to help obtain the best possible recovery. Insurance companies are not on your side and they will do everything possible to minimize the gravity of your injuries and reduce their costs. Our attorney will fight on your behalf to obtain the biggest recovery possible and to ensure you receive all needed treatments for your injuries.
Call (949) 414-6630 NOW or fill out our FREE Consultation Form and we’ll contact you when you’re ready.