California Motorcycle Accident Attorney-
Injury Lawyer
While they can arouse a pure sense of joy and freedom, motorcycles are the worst type of vehicle to be operating in an accident. When involved in an accident, a motorcycle rider escapes injury only 12% of the time. However, contrary to popular belief, only 5% of motorcycle accidents result in death. Helmet laws and evolving technologies in protective gear have done wonders to save the lives of motorcyclists;
however, when involved in an accident, it's extremely rare a rider would walk away with minor injuries. Spinal cord injuries, paralysis, brain trauma, burns, dismemberment, and other very serious injuries are a common result of motorcycle accidents.
Common Causes of Motorcycle Accident Injuries
As most motorcyclists are already aware, the biggest threat to their safety is the negligence or absent mindedness of other drivers. Motorcycle riders are often more cautious and aware of conditions on the roadways than a typical automobile driver. Regardless of which type of vehicle someone is operating, we all have a duty of care to each other to drive safely and responsibly. Some of the most common examples of driver behavior that results in a breach of that duty of care that causes a motorcycle accident are the following:
Drivers making left turns without checking blind spot
Drivers who speed or drive while distracted
Drivers that make unsafe lane changes
Driving drunk or impaired
Drivers who fail to observe common traffic laws
Protect Your Case and Hire a Big League Motorcycle Injury Lawyer
Proving negligence and liability are the most important aspects of proving your motorcycle injury case. It is imperative to obtain the necessary evidence early following your accident. Do not delay contacting a Big League lawyer to begin collecting evidence such as eye witness reports, police reports, photographs, toxicology reports, and any other evidence resulting from the circumstances of the accident. We collect the facts and evidence necessary to analyze the circumstances and use legal strategies to prove your claim and obtain the biggest recovery possible.
When a driver of an automobile makes a mistake that breaches the duty of care to a motorcyclist, the results are typically more severe than had another automobile been involved. A negligent driver will be liable for the damages regardless of whether a motorcyclist may have been better protected in another type of vehicle. In other words, drivers of automobiles receive no special treatment when their negligent actions cause injury to a motorcyclist.
Protect Your Case and Hire a Big League Motorcycle Injury Lawyer
Proving negligence and liability are the most important aspects of proving your motorcycle injury case. It is imperative to obtain the necessary evidence early following your accident. Do not delay contacting a Big League lawyer to begin collecting evidence such as eye witness reports, police reports, photographs, toxicology reports, and any other evidence resulting from the circumstances of the accident. We collect the facts and evidence necessary to analyze the circumstances and use legal strategies to prove your claim and obtain the biggest recovery possible.
While motorcycle accident injuries are typically severe, the most important thing you can do is receive the proper care and treatment for your injuries. Loss of income while you recover and hefty medical bills can be more than most victims can bear. You will need a motorcycle injury lawyer working on your behalf to reduce the financial stress while you focus on your health and recovery. Call us today to discuss your accident or fill out our contact form and a Big League Motorcycle accident attorney will provide a free analysis and consultation. Call (949) 414-6630 NOW or fill out our FREE Consultation Form and we’ll contact you when you’re ready.